Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Review/Appeal Forms

The following forms have been developed to allow the parties an opportunity to request a review/appeal of certain determinations issued pursuant to the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Policy. The opportunity to request a review/appeal will depend on whether the case is proceeding under the Title IX Process or the Sexual Misconduct Process. More information about these processes can be found in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the Policy.

Once a Formal Complaint is signed by the Complainant or the Title IX Coordinator, the Title IX Coordinator will then conduct an assessment of the information provided in the Formal Complaint for the sole purpose of determining whether the alleged conduct, if substantiated, would constitute Prohibited Conduct under this Policy. After this initial assessment, the Title IX Coordinator may take the following actions:

  • If the allegations contained in the Formal Complaint would, if substantiated, constitute Title IX Prohibited Conduct as described in Section D.1, the Coordinator shall initiate an investigation, as described in Appendix 1 of the Policy, of the allegations. If processing of the Formal Complaint continues as described in Appendix 1, the Coordinator shall dismiss the Formal Complaint pursuant to the processes described in Appendix 2 – Sexual Misconduct Process.
  • If the allegations contained in the Formal Complaint would not, if substantiated, constitute Title IX Prohibited Conduct as described in Section D.1., the Coordinator shall dismiss the Formal Complaint from the Title IX Process. If appropriate, the Coordinator may proceed with an investigation of the Formal Complaint as described in Appendix 2 – Sexual Misconduct Process.
  • If the Formal Complainant is not dismissed under either the Title IX Process or the Sexual Misconduct Process, and the Title IX Coordinator deems the Formal Complaint appropriate for the Informal Resolution Process, the Title IX Coordinator may, upon the consent of the parties, refer the matter to the Informal Resolution Process as described in Appendix 1 or Appendix 2. Otherwise, the Title IX Coordinator will proceed with formal resolution as described in Appendix 1 or Appendix 2.

Following the formal resolution process, both parties will have certain rights to request a review/appeal. The applicable review/appeal processes depend on whether the case is proceeding under the Title IX Process or the Sexual Misconduct Process.

Title IX Process

Both parties may seek a review/appeal of a dismissal of a Formal Complaint under the Title IX Process pursuant to the grounds outlined in the Policy.

Following a Formal Hearing under the Title IX Process, both the Complainant and Respondent have a right to seek a review/appeal of the Decision-Maker’s determination with regard to a finding of responsibility or non-responsibility and/or the imposed sanctions/remedies.

To request a review/appeal of the dismissal of a Formal Complaint from the Title IX Process or to request a review/appeal of a Title IX Formal Hearing Determination, please click the following link: 

Title IX Review/Appeal Form

Sexual Misconduct Process

There are no appeal options for either party for dismissal of a Formal Complaint under the Sexual Misconduct Process.

Following an investigation pursuant to the Sexual Misconduct Process, student Complainants and Respondents may seek a review of the decision contained in the Title IX Coordinator’s Investigative Report by requesting a Formal Hearing. Both student parties also have the right to request a review/appeal of any sanctions issued by the Conduct Administrator. Furthermore, following a Formal Hearing under the Sexual Misconduct Process, both student parties have a right to seek a Review/Appeal of the Conduct Body’s decision with regard to a finding of responsibility or non-responsibility and/or the imposed sanctions/remedies.

To request a Formal Hearing or a review/appeal pursuant to the Sexual Misconduct Process, please click the following link: 

Sexual Misconduct Review/Appeal Form